TitleMartha Baldwin diary,page 58
CreatorBaldwin, Martha, 1840-1913
InstitutionBaldwin Public Library
SubjectBaldwin, Martha, 1840-1913
SubjectWomen Michigan Birmingham Biography
SubjectBirmingham (Mich.) History
Item NumberEC01b058
RelationPart of Martha Baldwin's Diary, 1860-1863
text, image
DescriptionSome sections of the original diary are illegible, and these are noted in the transcription. A bracketed question mark [?] represents one illegible word. Places where whole sentences (or considerable portions thereof) were found to be illegible are noted with a bracketed ellipsis […]. Whole paragraphs found to be illegible have been noted in the following manner: [P] great train. They left us [?] & we found ourselves at home at one.
I do so hate to have Sophia leave.
Feb 2nd Lonesome and homesick. I can’t, try hard as I may anticipate any pleasure this qr.
I am homesick and discontent.
To day I have gone through with the usual Saturdys [sic] routine, and am waiting for the bread to rise with the delightful prospect of going down town.
I ought to be ashamed not to be content when I can go to school, but I can’t help it. I am so anxious to hear from mother.
Sick and blue.
3rd Not able to go to church because of a sore toe, so have been at home reading and studying, trying to but I can’t.
Last Sunday at this time Willy, Sophia, Esther, [?], Hilton, Mother Sarah & I were all sitting round