Title1934 Packard club sedan, participant in "Under Three Flags Expedition"
CreatorPackard Motor Car Company
InstitutionDetroit Public Library
SubjectPackard automobile--History
SubjectAutomobile industry and trade--History
SubjectAutomobiles--United States--History
Item NumberEB01d752
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1934 Packard right side view, side mounted spare tire, three men dressed to represent Mexico, the United States, and Canada standing on driver's side. Inscribed on photo back: Packard 1101 eight, eleventh series, 8-cylinder, 120-horsepower, 136-inch wheelbase, 5-person club sedan (body type #716), participant: "Under Three Flags Expedition" (U.S., Canada, Mexico) sponsored by Mobil/Socony Vacuum under official supervision of A.A.A, photographed at Century of Progress Chicago, Ill.