Title1956 Packard convertible, three-quarter rear right elevation view, top folded
CreatorPackard Motor Car Company
InstitutionDetroit Public Library
SubjectPackard automobile--History
SubjectAutomobiles--United States--History
Item NumberEB01e667
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1956 Packard convertible, three-quarter rear right elevation view, top folded . Inscribed on photo back: dual electronically operated, antennas complete the jet age styling of the new 1956 Packard Caribbean convertible, which goes on display with other Packard models in dealerships across the country Thursday, November 3, the cathedral type tail lamps that have become a Packard styling identification incorporate hexagon shaped, reflector type buttons for 1956 so that passing drivers will have no trouble seeing a Packard parked at the curb during darkness, the Packard Caribbean models feature a revolutionary, new concept in interior styling, highlighted by reversible seat and back cushions which provide a variety of interior furnishing, all Packard models offer a new push button, electrically activated, automatic driving system.