TitleWilliams Album 0 : p. 34
InstitutionCalumet Public School Library
SubjectMines and mineral resources
Item NumberAH01a048
DescriptionNewspaper clippings on various topics (1928, 1934). Page is hand numbered ""34"". -- 1928 - Skating party at Colosseum, mentioning Keweenaw band performers, Charles Malmquist, Bert Lanyon, Tommy Knight, Fred Nordstrom, Ed Sundberg, Roy Snell, Ray Treganowan, Ed Parske, Art Nordstrom, Claude Bayles, Norman Kendall, and Wes Williams. -- 1934 - Poem by Wesley Williams titled Thanks. An appreciation from the Keweenaw Barn Dance Troupe. -- Walter Lloyd Daley of Ironwood, son of Mr. And Mrs. James A. A. Daley of Mohawk, graduate of Calumet High School, director of the Goegebic County WPA Band honored. August Spera, district supervisor of WPA musical units annnounced. Mr. Daley graduated from the Northern State Teacher's College, conductor of Gogebic Range Symphony, Ironwood Municipal Band and Roosevelt Junior High School Band. -- 1934 - Song written by Harry E. King of Calumet, member of Copper Country Harmony Quartet, at dinner for Republican candidate, Frank Fitzgerald at Douglass House in Houghton. -- A list of mining companies in Keweenaw county and on Isle Royale from 1843 to 1944, by George Martin of Calumet and Eagle Harbor. It includes: Anglo-American Land and Mining Company, Allouez Mining Company, Amyggdaloid, Ahmeek, Ashbed, Atlas, Arnold, Aetna, Ancient Mining Company, Amygdaloid and Isle Royale, Astor Mining Company, American Mining Company, Albion Mining Company, Agate Harbor Mining Company, Bay State Mining Company, Bluff Mining Company, British American Mining Company, Boston and Lake Superior Mining Company, Belt Mining Company, Boston Mining Company, Boston and Pittsberg Mining Company, Boheniam Mining Company. -- Page from pamphlet called General Orders for Sentinels.