TitleWilliams Album 0 : p. 15
InstitutionCalumet Public School Library
SubjectMohawk (Mich.) -- History
Item NumberAH01a024
DescriptionNewspaper clippings (Mar. 1940) regarding local events in Calumet, Michigan area. Page is hand numbered ""15"". -- Mar. 23, 1940 - Popular young couple united in marriage. First Methodist Church of Calumet, Jean Marie Blight, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe L. Blight of Eagle River became bride of William Robert Armstrong, son of Mr. & Mrs. James A. Armstrong of Lake Linden Ave. , Laurium. Ceremony performed by Rev. R.D. Richards, James Abrams, organist. Mrs. Robert Medlyn, matron of honor carried bouquet of Mrs. Schram's flowers. Mrs. William Lowe, Miss Barbara Jane Blight, Dilys Richards, daughter of Rev and Mrs. Richards in wedding party as well as Jon Blight Medlyn, Mrs. Blight and Mrs. Armstrong. Groom assisted by Zenda D. Fish of Eagle River, also Frederic Kellow of South Range, and Walter Edwards Jr. Guests seated by Robert Medlyn, William Love, and Jack Muggford. Mrs. Robert Richards sang. Dinner held at the Miscowaubic club, both were graduates of Calumet High School. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Sigrud Stromback of Detroit and Georgia Erd of Petoskey. -- Mar. 14, 1940 - Heavy snowfall. Roads cleared by Houghton and Keweenaw county road commissions, schools closed, trains cancelled. -- Mar. 17 , 1940 - St. Patrick's Day and Palm Sunday. Father Joseph Carroll, S.J., regent of engineering department at marquette quotes as does woman from Milwaukee, and Prof. Sean Creamer of the University of Wisconsin. -- Mar., 1940 - Mohawk Methodist Church anniversary. Keweenaw church society plans program. Rev. Clarence Slock, paster of Pewabic Methodist church will preach, Ladies of the Mohawk Aid will serve supper. Trudgeon family of Calumet, Mrs. W.J. Rosemergy of Painesdale, the Misses Hagle of Hancock, Mrs. Esther Cummings of Ahmeek, Mrs. John Penprase, and Rev. W.J. Rosemergy, and Rev. L.H. Hagle taking part. History of Church. Dedicated by Rev. C. M. Thompson on Feb. 12, 1905, when formally opened, first service conducted by Rev. William Coombs, then pastor of Calumet Methodist church. Evening service by Rev. David Casler, pastor of Tamarack church. Donors included Rev. R. Carlyon who also had charge of Kearsarge Methodist church. Carlyon succeeded by Rev. Miller who included Allouez and Ahmeek charges. Miller succeeded by Rev. H Margahay, of Republic. He also had charge of Ahmeek church, which was later transferred to Allouez pastor. Ojibway was included in his district too. Magahay succeeded by Rev. Isaac Wilcox, Rev. R. H. Prouse, Rev. George Smith, Rev. John Bunny, Rev. A.P. Rickard, Rev. John H. Mapplebeck, Rev. John H. Bosanko, Rev. Joseph H. Oately, Rev. Henry Rogers, and Rev. E. W. Tink. Church history dates from opening of Mohawk mine in November 1898. English familes of Central mine moved to Fulton occupying houses owned by Ernest Bollman lumbering. First family was Capt. John Trevarrow who was mining captain. First school in Mohawk built in 1899 in back of American Legion hall, and used until church was opened in 1904. School later became boarding house. Rev. George Walker of Tamarack first minister then.