TitleMartha Baldwin diary,page 35
CreatorBaldwin, Martha, 1840-1913
InstitutionBaldwin Public Library
SubjectBaldwin, Martha, 1840-1913
SubjectWomen Michigan Birmingham Biography
SubjectBirmingham (Mich.) History
Item NumberEC01b035
RelationPart of Martha Baldwin's Diary, 1860-1863
text, image
DescriptionSome sections of the original diary are illegible, and these are noted in the transcription. A bracketed question mark [?] represents one illegible word. Places where whole sentences (or considerable portions thereof) were found to be illegible are noted with a bracketed ellipsis […]. Whole paragraphs found to be illegible have been noted in the following manner: [P] the sellers, calling them all, as if she wish[ed] for close consultation, calling the [?], as this are [sic] the only ones admitted to them, but wo [sic] to those upon whom their fancy fall [...] The great variety of languages spoken is enough to make a perfect Bable of every place, and is often the cause of many mistakes. There are no [?] they being truly hospitable. There are no regular streets but winding ways and in evening when each one carries the Turkish lamps, they look beautiful as well as [?] appears and disappears, about the many ways. The debtors prison is filled with [?] who through misfortune have become the objects of poverty as [sic] hatred. The idiot is treated with great kindness supposing that their spirits have flown to heaven, while their bodies [?] here, while on