the making of modern michigan

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Packard assembly line at body drop, 1936
TitlePackard assembly line at body drop, 1936
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of the 1936 Packard 120 on assembly line at body dr...
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Packard painting department, 1938
TitlePackard painting department, 1938
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of the 1938 Packards in painting department, severa...
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1938 Packard one-twenty final assembly line
Title1938 Packard one-twenty final assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of several 1938 Packard 120s coming down final asse...
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Packard grille assembly, 1940
TitlePackard grille assembly, 1940
SubjectPackard automobile--Grilles
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1940 Packard grille assemblage at Packard plant,...
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1941 Packard final assembly line
Title1941 Packard final assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1941 Packard final assembly line, most cars have...
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1941 Packard final assembly line, cars coming off the line
Title1941 Packard final assembly line, cars coming off the line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1941 Packard final assembly line, cars coming of...
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Last Packard to leave the line in 1942
TitleLast Packard to leave the line in 1942
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white sepia-toned Packard Co. file photograph of 1942 Packard final assembly line, la...
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1946 Packard final assembly line
Title1946 Packard final assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1946 Packard final assembly line, three workers ...
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1946-47 Packard car at body drop
Title1946-47 Packard car at body drop
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1946-47 Packard on assembly line, trunk open, no...
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1948-49 Packard bodies on line going up to second floor
Title1948-49 Packard bodies on line going up to second floor
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1948-49 Packard bodies going up to second floor ...
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1948-49 Packard chassis on assembly line
Title1948-49 Packard chassis on assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--Chassis
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1948-49 Packard chassis on assembly line, worker...
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1948-49 Packard front end assembly
Title1948-49 Packard front end assembly
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1948-49 Packard front end assembly on line, thre...
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1948-49 Packard bodies on line
Title1948-49 Packard bodies on line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1948-49 Packard bodies on assembly line, workers...
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1948-49 Packards on final assembly line
Title1948-49 Packards on final assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1948-49 Packards on final assembly line, workers...
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1951-54 Packard on assembly line at body drop
Title1951-54 Packard on assembly line at body drop
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1951-54 Packard on assembly line at body drop, t...
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1953 Packard final assembly line
Title1953 Packard final assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1953 Packards on final assembly line, workers in...
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1955 Packard Clipper on assembly line, rear view
Title1955 Packard Clipper on assembly line, rear view
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1955 Packard body on assembly line, rear view,...
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1955 Packard Clipper on assembly line, left side view
Title1955 Packard Clipper on assembly line, left side view
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1955 Packard body on assembly line, left side ...
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1955 Packard Clipper metal bodies on assembly line, entering spraying tunnel
Title1955 Packard Clipper metal bodies on assembly line, entering spraying tunnel
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1955 Packard metal bodies on assembly line, th...
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1955 Packards on final assembly line
Title1955 Packards on final assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of three 1955 Packards on final assembly line, two ...
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1956 Packard metal bodies on assembly line, entering spraying tunnel
Title1956 Packard metal bodies on assembly line, entering spraying tunnel
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1956 Packard metal bodies on assembly line, thre...
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1956 Packard bodies on assembly line
Title1956 Packard bodies on assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of 1956 Packard bodies on assembly line, three-quar...
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1956 Packard passes through welding machines
Title1956 Packard passes through welding machines
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of sparks flying as two welding machines work on pa...
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1956 Packard Caribbean body on assembly line
Title1956 Packard Caribbean body on assembly line
SubjectPackard automobile--History
Description8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1956 Packard body on assembly line, three-quar...
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174 Results

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